
Showing posts from January, 2017

Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity

Ayurveda has a history as long as a human civilization and even beyond. Ayurveda was perfected by ingenious minds and proficient hands and is aimed at the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of human beings.The essence of ayurveda is that it offers in this modern technological age a whole new way of life to find harmony and balance not only within one self but also in relating to environment, nature, society and fellow beings. Ayurveda is one of the great gifts of the sages of ancient India to mankind and is accepted as the oldest scientific medical system, with a long record of clinical experience. Ayurveda is the original contribution of India (Bharatha) to the world and treats man as a whole - which is a combination of body, mind and soul. Its written history takes definite shape with the codification of hundreds of slokas of Ayur-Vedic wisdom into 'Samhitas' . Its highly united commence is evident from the way Ayurvedic treatment was divided into eight s