Simple, Safe & Effective Remedies for Scabies With Miric Biotech Ltd.
Also referred
as the seven year itch is a contagious skin disease which is caused
by Sarcoptes scabiei virus and accordingly, patients catch the disease through contact with crevasses of the body, other sufferers or their personal
items. The disease generally spreads through the body parts such as; the
Waist Area, Elbows, Hips, Genital Area, below the knee, underarm area, the
Breasts, groin, or finger webs.
It often spreads during a
relatively long period of time ‘say 10 minutes at least’ of direct skin contact
with an infected person such as during the sex. Areas where there is less reach of water are
more are more vulnerable to diseases while the face, neck, head, scalp, palms, soles of the feet, and lips are usually not affected, except infants or
young children.
- Direct Skin Contact
- Physical Contact
- Sharing the Same Clothing, towels, pillows (Sometimes)
Adverse itchiness and rashes are some common symptoms of
scabies and
sometimes tiny burrows can be seen in the skin.
In general the doctor will conduct a physical exam in
analyzing and inspecting the affected area of skin where he may also diagnose
the infection just by removing the mite using a needle from the skin.
Clove oil:
Rich with elements that have antibacterial properties helping in the competent
treatment of scabies effectively while eradicating the irritation completely.Mix
olive oil and coconut oil in the ratio of 1:4 apply it on the affected area
while leaving it to dry naturally followed by just rinsing it off with water,
Repeat the procedure for at least 2-3 times a day for positive results.
Oil: Our farmers have been using it since decades
as an insect repellent, while keeping crops
healthy and safe from damaging. Neem oil is an effective and proved remedy for
scabies resulting in speedy recovery. Apply it regularly by directly applying
it to the patchy skin or the affected area till the desired results are
Onion: it is
highly equipped with substances that often confirm effective remedies for pain
and other annoying symptoms of scabies. Besides the thing it also possesses a
relatively high amount of organosulfur compounds that often helps in
stimulating the healing process of the skin tissues. Chop
an onion into fine pieces and mix them with salt. Apply this mix on the
affected area and rinse after half an hour.
Turmeric: by applying a paste made of neem oil and turmeric powder to affected parts of the body until desired results are reached.
Bitter Gourd: Add some honey to the squeezed juice of the gourd while enjoying it as a beverage. Repeat it 2-3 times a day until relief.
Disease is just a healthy response to an unhealthy environment. Stay positive with Miric Biotech Ltd.
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