The backyard herb garden with Miric Biotech Limited

Every breathe is a giveaway between you and the plants. It had never occurred in quite that way that plants have some life and purpose outside their use to human beings. In a world as it is today, people are going far away from nature, and the population has touched the destructing limits, Miric Biotech helps to grow the ultimate survival garden by investing in these healing herbs that function as natural medicine.
Some medicinal plants are to be used for treating specific ailments, while others have a generalized positive effect on our health when used regularly. Many herbs belonging to the latter group have found their way into our culinary scene as flavoring agents. Your medicinal garden should ideally have such plants that have practical uses for the common man besides being easy to grow. When herbs provide treatment for many uncertainties in our bodies, from diabetes to cancer, from depression to hormonal imbalance, etc, grow them in your ultimate gardens, and have the healthiest of environment around. Some herbs that can be easily grown and used in our day to day lives are listed below:

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is well known as a skin-friendly plant. It is one medicinal plant people really make use of. The jelly-like, colorless pulp of mature leaves can be applied to minor cuts and burns and to dry, inflamed, or damaged skin due to eczema or other skin conditions. It is an excellent moisturizer with anti-inflammatory and mild antimicrobial effect. Regular use can prevent constipation and relieve other digestive problems, including ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Peppermint: This natural hybrid of spearmint and watermint is widely use in dental hygiene products. The active ingredient menthol found in abundance, as well as in many other aromatic members of the mint family, has a cooling effect on the skin. Make a poultice of the leaves and apply it on the skin to relieve itching and burning resulting from skin allergies and inflammatory conditions. It has mild analgesic action, and relieves headaches and muscle cramps.

Thyme: This perennial herb with tiny, aromatic leaves is a great addition to any medicinal herb collection. Using infusion of thyme as a gargle to get rid of bad breath and mouth sores. It can help with tonsillitis and laryngitis. Crushed fresh thyme applied on the neck is said to reduce throat infections. Inhaling the vapors reduces nervous exhaustion. It also treats respiratory tract infections. Thyme extract is taken orally to relieve bronchitis, chest congestion, asthma, and whooping cough.

Rosemary: The memory booster. The canonic acid in the herb has been shown to prevent brain damage and Neurode generation of the hippocampus induced by Beta-Amyloid peptides. These peptides are implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. In separate studies Rosemary oil has been found to improve cognitive function and reduce brain aging. Its potential in cancer treatment also has been promising.

Chamomile: No medicine chest is complete without chamomile flower heads. Its widespread use across many cultures and for many ailments is proof enough for its safety and effectiveness.

Miric Biotech Ltd is working meticulously to improve our gardens and health as well. Plant a healthy garden to believe in a healthy tomorrow.


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